Join us in charting our course at our yearly meeting on March 12!

We welcome all of our members to Bryggens Museum on March 12, at 14:00 CET.


What are the most pressing nature, climate, and environmental issues in 2022? As a member of Naturvernforbundet, you can have a say in deciding what the Hordaland county chapter will work on. Attend our yearly meeting, and join us in making our yearly plans, along with other committed conservationists. We can promise healthy debate, good conversation, and a great atmosphere all-around. See you there!


Agenda for the day:

  1. Approval of the day’s call to meeting and agenda
  2. Selection of a chairman, speaker, and two members to approve the meeting minutes
  3. Wild landfills / dumping and environmental crimes – lecture and debate
  4. Submitted topics from local chapters and members (deadline for submission is February 26)
  5. The 2021 Annual Report
  6. Accounting for 2021
  7. Work program for 2022
  8. Budget for 2022
  9. Statements and matters for discussion at the national chapter gathering
  10. Elections


The meeting will be followed by dinner. Further information, as well as registration details, will follow. The meeting, including the lectures and debates, will be conducted in Norwegian.


Contact us at / +47 553 00 660 if you have any questions.