Energy Smart

Make it easier for you to make energy efficient choices in your residence.

Energy Smart is a part of the european network TopTen, and the EU financed project TopTen HACKS:

The goal of Energy Smart is to inform and motivate landlords to replace old and inefficient units with new, resource effective units that use less electricity and improve the residents comfort and health.As a landlord there can be a lot of money to save, while at the same time contributing to reducing consumption.

On you can find practical advice and tips on the most effective way to reduce your consumption of electricity, and Energiportalen has a calculator that can tell you the most cost effective savings for your house.

Power saving is something that has gotten a lot of attention in the last few years, and there’s constantly new research and new developments. Because of this, also shares articles about relevant new knowledge in the field.

Energismart also collaborates with relevant actors, installers, retailers, and consumer organisations. Previously offered guides to help you find your nearest retailer (“energy specialist”). But this is also rapidly developing field and a growing market, with good guides developed by industry associations and other actors. has therefore decided not to keep developing this part of the guidance service (the old guide is still accessible, but will not be updated from 2024).

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 845231