About the Hordaland branch
We are working to protect our rivers, mountains, fjords, lakes and forests. We want green, emission free cities and towns that promote walking and cycling.

We promote knowledge and solutions which protect our nature and environment. In Hordaland we have a county board, seven local branches, six full-time employees and more than 100 volunteers.
The Hordaland branch (established in 1918) is one of the biggest and most active county branches in the organisation. The county board consists of 11 skilled people who work with our volunteers and staff on solutions to solve environmental issues of today.
These solutions may include:
- a renewable and efficient energy system which benefits the general public
- an intelligent, emission free and health promoting transport system
- environmentally friendly products
- the preservation of our biodiversity and the magnificent natural world in Hordaland
Governing documents
Our by-laws, principal platform and work programme:
Governing documents of the Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature
Work programme for 2021 for the Hordaland branch
Principal platform for the Hordaland branch (approved 21.04.2018)
Our visions for Bergen (in Norwegian only)
The oldest environmental organisation in Norway
The Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature is the oldest and one of the biggest environmental organisations in Norway. It was established in 1914 and today we have more than 35 000 members, with about 100 local and county branches all over the country.
Important victories
We have fought many battles to safeguard the amazing Norwegian nature. These are a few of our most important victories:
National parks
We have been strong advocates to establish most of the national parks in Norway, among these are the Jotunheimen, Rondane and Hardangervidda national parks.
Conservation of water falls and rivers
Today two thirds of the largest rivers in Norway are regulated, and seven of the ten highest waterfalls have been developed for hydroelectric power. Without our presence, even more of our rivers and waterfalls would have been developed, and our natural attractions and biodiversity much less diverse than they are today. We have been actively involved in developing plans for the protection of waterways, and have ensured permanent protection of the Opo river, including Låtefossen (waterfall), Veig river at Hardangervidda, and Vettisfossen (waterfall).
Nuclear free Norway
We succeeded in stopping the plans to establish a nuclear power plant at Lindås in the 1970s.
Learn more about our projects in Hordaland.
Are you interested in learning more about our organisation at the national level? Read more.
Are you interested in the history of the Hordaland branch? Contact us at hordaland@naturvernforbundet.dev06.dekodes.no for more information.
News in English
Thanks to our volunteers, we have a number of articles in English.