Operation Flower Field
Operation flower field is a school project where the children learn about biodiversity in a practical and exploratory way.

Operation flower field is sustainability in practice
In this school project children learn about plant life cycles and biodiversity. They learn to gather seeds from local wildflowers and transform empty lawns into flower fields where bumblebees and bees can eat and thrive.
With the flower field as a specific example, the students get a practical and exploratory way to gain knowledge about basic connections in nature. And most important of all: they get to experience that they can do something to repair nature where they live.

Download resources for participating schools (in Norwegian)
All the schools that participate in the project can use the resources we’ve gathered. Here you find teacher guidance, tasks, illustrations, cartoons, and movies.
Does your class accept the challenge?
Spring 2024 new primary schools in Bergen municipality can join. If your school is interested – sign up!
Does your school want to do more?
There are many good resources for schools who want to do more for the environment, and learn more about nature. Here are some of them (all in Norwegian):

Do you want to help establish more flower fields in Vestland?
School classes in Bergen have accepted the challenge. Now we want to expand to the whole county, but to do that we need volunteers. Do you want to help find suitable places for flower fields and follow up with the schools? We give all the necessary training.
Contact information
Jeanette Tennebekk
Project manager
+47 90946406
Schools in Rogaland may contact Susanne Zazzera:
Besøkssenter Våtmark Jæren / Naturvernforbundet Rogaland
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