Take care of what you’ve got

The amount of waste being produced is enormous. In our project Take care of wt you’ve got we work to make sure that more people join the environmentally friendly repair culture.

About the project

Just since 1995 the amount of waste in Norway has increased by over 50  per cent. Throwing things out is a huge environmental problem. Norwegians use of energy and resources is so high that we would need almost three Earths if everyone lived like us.

We want to help you on the way to take care of your things. Through simple tricks and fixes you can ensure good maintenance and simple repairs, so that the things you enjoy can live on.

We also want to highlight the everyday heroes who exist all over Norway.The fixers who maintain their trade, so that you can maintain your things. We’ve collected a list of local craftspeople in your area, so you can easily get help to prolong the lifespan of the things you care about.

Website for the project

Our project has its own website. Here we gather repair tips so you can maintain your belongings even longer. You can also find a list of local repair people.

Reparasjonsgavekortet ligger på et bord med trådsneller og saks

The repair gift card

With a repair gift card you can finally both give and receive a professional repair as a gift. What’s more, it’s easy – and flexible!

Here are some of the things you can use the repair gift card to fix: clothes, appliances, phones and computers, furniture, and shoes.

Volunteer at a repair workshop!

Who: Students or adults who like to repair, are good at sewing, good at organising

What can you do: Organise and join in the clothing swap day. Organise own clothing swap day, fixing parties, sew and redesign, write articles, help with social media, arrange or participate in markets(fixing market, street market, or reuse market), sell repair gift cards

You get: certificate of participation, food at activities, socialising, the opportunity to learn more about sewing and repairing, good follow-up from employee

Do you want to volunteer, or just learn more? Contact Lena (lt@naturvernforbundet.dev06.dekodes.no)


Lena Teigland


Our supporters

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