The Plastic Hunt

In 2017 a Cuiver’s beaked whale beached on Sotra with its stomach full of plastic. The pictures spread across the world and it became known as “The plastic whale”. We had to do something, so we started the project The Plastic Hunt.

Mona Maria Løberg

The plastic hunt – our work with plastic

Ole M. Kvamme for UiB

Through attitude changing cleaning campaigns, sharing knowledge, and influencing work, we prevent plastic pollution and reduce the total amount of plastic used today. Cleaning, lectures, campaigns, and inspiring examples in text and audio format are some of the tools we’ve used on the road to a society with less plastic waste, where the plastic we use is included in a closed loop.

  • Cleaning plastic and giving nature experiences that make an impression
  • Make accessible information on reducing plastic
  • Putting plastic on the agenda of municipalities and counties

Støttespillere i Plastjakten 2024

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Follow us on Instagram and Facebook and use the hashtag #plastjakten

Project manager

Ingvild Sundal Joys
Phone: 93686406

The Plastic Hunt across the country

The regional chapters in Sogn og Fjordane and Trøndelag also have their own plastic hunt projects

Naturvernforbundet Sogn og Fjordane

Øyvind Kjærgård Masdal
Regional secretary
Phone: 46813910

Naturvernforbundet Trøndelag

Marina Gørtz
Phone: 451 65 967
