The student’s beach cleaning campaign

In this collaboration campaign, we spread information and invite students to contribute to efforts against littering in nature.

The student’s beach cleaning campaign – or “Studentenes ryddeaksjon” in Norwegian – is a new collaborative campaign in Norway’s Vestland area to prevent littering in nature, and at the same time contribute to clean and pleasant city spaces. It is targeted towards students, and we hope that it will spread positive energy, increase engagement among students, and bring awareness about what each of us can do towards this cause.

The campaign consists of a beaching cleaning for students, and material for sharing in social media.

Help us share and spread this campaign! Download materials here

We began publicising the campaign during the freshman welcome week in August 2021, but the campaign is flexibly structured such that it can be used across various contexts and also at later points in time.


If you have any questions regarding this campaign, please contact us:

Ingvild Sundal Joys
Naturvernforbundet Hordaland

Marte Nogva
Naturvernforbundet Sogn og Fjordane

Both of us are working with this campaign via the project “Plastjakten.”

Collaboration partners and sponsors in Vestland: Bergen municipality, BIR, Bærekraftspilotene UIB, Handelens miljøfond, Høgskolen på Vestlandet, Naturvernforbundet Hordaland, Naturvernforbundet Sogn og Fjordane, Naturvernstudentene i Bergen, Sammen, Sneipfritt, University of Bergen, and Velferdstinget Vest.